Wow, is it November already?!
If you’re a regular reader of mine, you know how much I love Thankful Thursday posts.
I’ve said it before, but just writing my Thankful Thursday posts each week brightens my outlook. It seems fitting, since this is the month of giving thanks to do more than just my usual once a week Thankful Thursday post, and it seems I found a few others who have the same idea!
Now, I think about what I am thankful for from each day before I go to sleep at night, but for the month of November I’m going to make it a point to post at least one thing I am thankful for each day on Twitter, and at the top of each blog post I write.
Here’s what I’m thankful for from today:
- The time I got to spend one on one with my little girl on our first Mommy-daughter date. I loved being able to focus just on her while we shopped and ate lunch.
- I’m also thankful that Monkey and his daddy got to spend some one on one time together today. (Making the most of the husband having night shift his week!)
- The library. Being able to bring home new kids’ books each week to read is such a blessing. They both have an extensive book collection at home, but this allows us to read such a wide variety that we otherwise might miss out on.
What about you? What’s one thing you are thankful for from the day?
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Kristen says
I am thankful for being able to spend time with a new friend today…just one on one and really getting to know her. She is an amazing mom with 3 children…2 of them with special needs. She is strong, smart and beautiful and she inspires me. I feel like we met for a reason…
admin says
I’ve been told that we meet the people in our life for a reason. Some just to teach us a lesson. Some to support each other… I truly believe that. Glad you got to spend time and get to know each other better!
Grumpy Grateful Mom says
I love this idea. I have another friend doing it also. I’m thankful I have an out-of-state friend coming to visit tomorrow. Though I’m a little ungrateful I still have so much to clean. 🙂
admin says
Focus on the visit; I know we all want our houses clean for friends coming in, but truly, good friends overlook all our clutter. Have a great visit!
Angie says
So much to be thankful for!
Looking forward to sharing the journey with you this month!
admin says
Looking forward to it, too!
Shannon says
It’s SO powerful to think about what we’re grateful for and what we have, rather than focusing on what’s wrong. What was I thankful for today? Mostly that I rarely coughed. LOL. I’ve been fighting bronchitis for the last three weeks. 😉
admin says
Oh, I used to have bronchitis all the time when I was younger…. No fun. I hope you feel better soon!
And, yes, being thankful for what we have IS a powerful thing…One reason I write Thankful Thursday each week!
Rach says
Love your thankful list 🙂