It’s a new year, the perfect time to try something new! Kids are always looking to try new things, and most of them especially like trying new technology. If you have a tween in your household, you may want to check out a new social media geared for kids that will allow them to have that touch of independence they all crave while also being able to easily connect with family all across the country!
*This is a sponsored post on behalf of HiFiKiddo. All opinions are 100% my own.
While most social media sites are not meant for use by kids, HiFiKiddo was developed with kids in mind. It’s a great opportunity for them to learn the do’s and don’ts of sharing on social media in a much safer environment.
Do you have family that is out of town? I know we do!
My sister’s family lives all the way out in Iowa. Our kids get to see each other just one or two times a year.
Yes, my sister and I talk on the phone (A LOT!), but for kids the phone is not always an easy option. When you’re 7 years-old you get distracted easily while on the phone… My daughter is a rambler, who will just start describing everything she sees in the room…which loses the attention of the 7 year-old on the other end of the phone line who can’t actually see what she’s talking about.
Not only that, but just because your child is available to chat on the phone doesn’t mean his/her cousin is right there…. A child-friendly social media eliminates some of that rambling, and allows each of them to socialize with each other when it’s convenient.
So what makes HiFiKiddo different from all the other social media out there?
Unlike most other social media networks, HiFiKiddo strictly adheres to the Federal Trade Commissions Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
What does that mean? Before a child under the age of 13 can join the site, verifiable consent and a working email address of a parent are required.
Still not convinced?
HiFiKiddo also has three predefined sharing circles: Core Family, Family, and Friends. As the parent you get to select the privacy level for each circle, which means you are the one to choose if they are allowed to share pictures with family members and only written messages with friends.
And my favorite feature? All friend requests must be approved by a parent!
Why limit your child’s chance to connect with out of state cousins to just the holidays and summer time? With HiFiKiddo cousins can easily stay connected throughout the year!
Download HiFiKiddo from the App Store today!
And now it’s also available as an Android App!
Suzie@homemaker-mom says
That is awesome. It takes away the worry while the kids can stay connected!