I have fallen in love with the Bear books by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman. With the start of spring this week, I wanted to have a little fun with book activities for Bear Wants More .
Not familiar with this one? In it Bear wakes up from hibernating and he is HUNGRY! His friends all find him things to eat, but “Bear wants more.” At the end of the book he is too big to fit inside his house for the party they planned, so they have the party outside.
What did we do?
I prepped ahead of time by cutting a small hole in a paper plate to be the entrance to Bear’s cave. Then we used one of the kid-sized sock puppets we made a few weeks ago and acted out the story. At the beginning, Bear had no problem getting through the cave’s entrance.
Then he ate. And ate. (My kids had fun stuffing our little Bear full of cotton balls while they named the foods he ate.)
When he got back to his house, he couldn’t fit through the door.
I originally planned to picnic outside, like Bear and his friends did. But the weather did not cooperate. (30 degrees is NOT picnic weather!) So we had an indoor picnic instead.
And then we made flower chains, like the animals did in the book Bear Wants More.
We don’t have fresh daisies yet…but we do have plenty of construction paper. I had a variety of flowers waiting. I punched 2 holes in each of them ahead of time so they would be threaded onto green yarn and worn as a headband or necklace.
Now, if we could just get the spring weather!
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Melissa @ Fit 'n' Well Mommy says
I love these ideas! I haven’t heard of the Bear books, but I will be adding them to my list the next time we go to the library! Happy Friday!
OneMommy says
They are definitely worth looking for at the library!
Have a great weekend!
Cynthia @kindasillymommy says
Thanks for the recommendation for a new book to read to my girls. So glad I found your site, I am a SAHM to two little girls, you have some great ideas here!
OneMommy says
It is a super cute book — I love all the Bear ones in that series.
I hope to see you back at There’s Just One Mommy soon!
Ginny Marie says
So cute! I love the paper plate activity! It also reminds me of the Winnie the Pooh story where he eats too much at Rabbit’s house and gets stuck in Rabbit’s rabbit hole. 😉
OneMommy says
Yes! That is exactly what I thought of when we first read the Bear Wants More book! I need to find my Winnie the Pooh story book and start reading some of them to the kids.
lisa at two bears farm says
We haven’t read that but it sounds so cute.
OneMommy says
The Bear book series is definitely cute!
Single Mom in the South says
I have one from that series in my classroom. I don’t remember the exact title… New Bear At School or Bear Goes to School. It’s a cute book. My own children still like to read it.
OneMommy says
I will have to look for that one!
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom says
What a great idea! I love the Bear books, too!
Lanaya @ Raising Reagan says
What a good dog to let himself be decorated! Cute sock puppet and easy to make too!
Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. 🙂
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
OneMommy says
The dog has been really, really patient with some of the things the kids try! 🙂
Thanks for hosting!
OneMommy says
She has been a very patient dog with the kids over the years…. 🙂
Thanks for hosting!
Catherine says
We just discovered Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson and it has become a new favourite thanks to the lovely rhyme and Jane Chapman’s wonderful illustrations. I wanted to read more Bear books – thank you for the recommendation. I love your flower necklaces too!
OneMommy says
Oh, we just got Bear Snores On from the library! Another great Bear book! 🙂
Our flower chains are now decorating the doors; a lovely reminder that it’s spring, even if the snow on the ground says otherwise!
OneMommy says
We just got Bear Snores On from the library — another favorite for sure!
Leslie says
I love the activities you did to tie along the book. Very creative!
Thanks for sharing your favorite post at Raising Imperfection! We feature our favorites on Friday, make sure to come back and check.
OneMommy says
Thank you for hosting! Looking forward to this week!
piwimama says
We love bear too! Great idea for the daisy chains, hopefully it won’t be long before you can make then with real daisys too. We would love for you to share your post at the Kid Lit blog hop http://piwiprincess.blogspot.com/2013/03/co-hosting-12th-kid-lit-blog-hop.html
OneMommy says
Oh, I hope we will be making them with real flowers soon! I’m tired of snow!
Thanks for the invite to the hop — off to check it out!
JDaniel4's Mom says
I still think it looks like a bear! I love the paper plate puppet. I will be sharing this post on Facebook and Pinterest.
Janis Cox says
Found you at Teach Beside Me. I loved the bear book and activities. We used to love to read bear books too. One favourite was The Fourteen Bears – in Summer and Winter.
I have written a book about a turtle called Tadeo. Hope you take a look.
OneMommy says
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Can’t wait to check out the turtle book! 🙂
OneMommy says
Thank you for hosting!