With school, running errands, and trying to keep the house semi-clean, it’s sometimes hard to find time to craft with the kids.
This pop-up bunny is a cute spring preschooler craft that is quick and easy to do and brings plenty of smiles. It would also make a fun Easter craft.
Pop-Up Bunny Craft:
Materials Needed:
- 1 Styrofoam (or paper) cup
- 1 Craft Stick
- 1 Bunny Picture (I found ours online)
- Crayons
- Stickers or Markers
First make a slit in the bottom of the cup for the craft stick to poke through. Since we used Styrofoam cups, we just pushed on the bottom with the craft stick. If you are using a paper cup use scissors to make this slit for your child before they start decorating.
Once the slit is made, decorate the cup with stickers and markers as desired.
Then you use the crayons to color the bunny. Glue it to the craft stick.
The result is a bunny that hides in the cup when you pull the craft stick down and then “pops” up out of its hole when the stick is moved up.
When we made our pop-up bunnies, there were plenty of giggles and lots of, “Guess what’s in my cup…” moments.
This simple bunny craft is sure to be a hit with the preschoolers in your life.
More preschooler spring crafts you may like:
Craft Stick Flower Flower Petal Suncatcher 20 Sheep Crafts
Lanaya | Raising Reagan says
Such a cute idea! Rey would love this 🙂
Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. 🙂
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
Eva @ The Multitasking Mummy says
That’s really cute! The latest craft in our house was painting on canvasses for Fathers Day (Australia is in September). Great end product but what a mess!
OneMommy says
What a wonderful gift idea! I can see how it could be quite a mess, but what a wonderful, lasting gift!
OneMommy says
That would be so cute! I bet she will love it! And I bet you’ll be seeing a lot of magic tricks with that top hat!
Carrie says
Very fun!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!