“Mommy, can we do a craft?”
We were having “Mommy and Me” time, just me and my little man. With Christmas coming up, I had a couple Christmas crafts in mind.
My toddler loved making this simple hand and footprint reindeer.
This simple reindeer craft is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
Hand and Footprint Reindeer Craft
Materials Needed:
- Construction Paper
- Scissors
- Glue Stick
- Markers (optional)
- Pencil
Trace your child’s footprint onto a piece of brown construction paper. Don’t trace between their toes! (Your child may choose a different color for their reindeer, and that’s fine. Mine chose black.)
Next trace around each of your child’s hands to make the antlers. We used brown paper. Yellow would also be good.
If you are working with older preschoolers you can have them trace their own hands and feet, or even take turns tracing each other’s if you are working in a group.
Next, cut out the pieces you have traced.
Once you have the hand prints and footprint cut out, your child can glue the hand prints on the top for antlers.
Have your child create eyes and a nose for their reindeer. We chose a red nose for ours.
Instead of cutting out eyes, they could draw them on, or you could use wiggly eyes if you have them.
Is it a girl reindeer? They may choose to add a bow or make eye lashes. Let them be creative!
My toddler was super proud of his hand and footprint reindeer, making sure to show it to everyone that came to our house the next couple days. It proudly decorates our basement door now, and it will be sure to have a place in our Christmas decorations box for years to come.
You may also like:
- Handprint Reindeer Sweatshirt — Perfect sweatshirt for your child this holiday season
- Adorable Reindeer Crafts for Kids — A collection of fun crafts your child will love
- Hand and Footprint Angels — Adorable angel craft for toddlers and preschoolers
Fawn Weaver says
How do you keep from getting glue all over the place! I’d have it everywhere (and I’m the adult :)). I love that you have so much fun with your kiddos and I can imagine how much fun they’re having with you :).
admin says
LOL – glue sticks. And I’ve learned only 1 glue stick out at a time, even with 2 kids crafting. They have to take turns with it… When I gave each their own we had a lot of “glue art” being created! 🙂
Jenn says
Very Cute, you add a magnet to the back to put on the fridge.
OneMommy says
Yes, you really could turn it into a magnet.