It’s no secret, my kids love bugs. We’ve had several kept as short-term pets. Remember our horned tomato caterpillar?
So when I found I Love Bugs! at the library, I knew we had to check it out.
After reading the book, several times, we set out for a bug hunt.
Now, usually we find some good bugs. This time around, though? Nothing but ants (not my favorite, by the way). I decided it was a good day to pull out the little bags of plastic bugs I had picked up in the dollar section of dear Target.
The kids were thrilled!
I had them count the legs of all the plastic insects, and we talked about how true insects have 6 legs.Of course the spiders and scorpions in the bug kits had 8 legs, which led to a brief discussion about how they are arachnids.
(Did you know scorpions fall in that category? I didn’t know they were related to spiders until we read one of the bug identifying books we have.)
Speaking of bug identifying books, we pulled those out next.Flipping through the pages we matched our plastic bugs up to the ones in the books. So cool that our kit came with a rhinoceros beetle! We also figured out that we had a plastic cicada.
We’ve made some toilet paper tube bugs; I’m thinking some more buggy crafts will be in our future!
Are your little ones into bugs?
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Tara @ says
My kids are terrified of bugs! It’s hysterical because so am I!
OneMommy says
I’m not big into bugs myself…. Don’t know where they get it from, lol. Ants are my biggest… Oh, I can’t stand them! My daughter, though, loves messing with ant hills…
JDaniel4's Mom says
This looks like the kind of play with bugs that would go over big at my house.
OneMommy says
Oh, they loved it! And I liked not having real bugs in the house… lol.
They’ve actual been playing with their bugs all week now. Who’d have thought $1 bugs could bring so much joy?
Jen@Creative and Curious Kids! says
Stopping over from JDaniel4’s Mom linky! This book looks really cute! My little man is into bugs this week. My girls have always loved them, too!
Jen@Creative and Curious Kids! says
new follower, too. 🙂
OneMommy says
It is a pretty cute book! We have also checked out the one called I Love Trucks by the same author… It’s one of my son’s favorites, which is why I jumped on this book.
Carolyn @ Mama's Little Muse says
Hi visiting from Read Learn Explore linky. I sometimes forget how easy props are to find at our local Target stores! As a preschool teacher, we will be learning about backyard bugs next month. I will have to remember this! Thank you!
OneMommy says
Oh, I love the dollar section at Target – never know what you will find!
Have fun studying bugs next month!
Sheri says
I remember that book! Looks like you guys have been having fun with insects. We were really into insects about three years ago. They are still interesting here and would be a great subject to visit again since summer is approaching.
OneMommy says
Yes, summer is a good time to study bugs… even more so if we have as buggy a summer as I hear we are going to have!
Donna says
Although I’m not fond of bugs face to face, I love the study of them. Those books look great for children to learn.
OneMommy says
LOL – I have had to get over some of my bug issues. I don’t want to pass on any fears of my own to my kids – and they definitely love bugs!
OneMommy says
It is definitely a winner! Mine have been asking to check it out again!