Yes, even a SAHM gets excited about Fridays! Today was extra special because the husband is home today.
You’d think we’d have big plans, but our day started out like this:
Me: Since we both fell asleep right after the kids last night we didn’t get to get that milk…. There’s no milk for breakfast. I can’t give them Kool-Aid, can I????
Husband: How about taking them to Bob Evan’s for all you can eat pancakes? (Yes, he’s seen the commercials and I think he was itching for a reason to go.)
Me: I was just thinking that!
So we started getting the kids ready to head out without eating, and much earlier than they ever leave the house (8 a.m.).
Me: (after looking in a mirror) If people see us out this early with 2 little ones do you think they’ll understand why my hair is unwashed and I look half asleep?
Daughter: (looks critically at my outfit) Mommy, I won’t laugh at you, I’ll just stare.
(Evidently my outfit wasn’t up to par.)
A few minutes later my little fashion expert reappeared in her purple dress with purple socks, white sandals and a collection of hair scrunchies around her wrists and ankles. Maybe I should let her pick out my wardrobe selection next time; evidently it’s all about the accessories!
Kristen @ The Preppy Girl in Pink says
My blondie always has to load up on hair bows, necklaces, bracelets before we go out. She would wear a tiara everywhere if I let her.
What a treat to go out to breakfast on a Friday!! I would’ve been jumping up and down!!
Have a great weekend!
OneMommy says
🙂 Yep, mine would love to go out in a tiara probably every day, too!
I’m thinking breakfast out on Friday should happen more often!
jamie says
Awww… kids today. They’re so up to date 😉
OneMommy says
LOL – at least she THINKS she is! I love when I pick out clothes for her now, and she tells me it isn’t “right.”
Donna DM Yates says
Funny. Kids are better at dressing because they don’t have to get a family ready.
OneMommy says
LOL — so true! Moms have to get themselves, kids, and sometimes even hurry the husband along!