One of my daughter’s favorite activities that we’ve done is our cornstarch and water experiment. (Some call it Oobleck.)
She asks for it quite often. This past week we gave it a new twist: a couple drops of peppermint oil and glitter!
We started off mixing 1 1/2 cups of cornstarch with 1 cup of water. Then we added in several drops of peppermint oil, some pink food coloring, and purple glitter!
I usually add a bit more cornstarch as needed to make it thicker, but this time we kept it quite runny.
I think she liked it even more this way!
It still felt quite solid when you squeezed it in your hand, but it ran much faster when drizzled into the bowl.
The peppermint smell and glitter were a hit with her, too!
Of course the preschooler didn’t want his to be pink. (Who could blame him?) So we mixed up a separate batch in a different color, and minus the “girly” glitter — but it still had that delicious smell!
This activity is always a hit! Science and sensory play all rolled into one makes a great way to spend a snowy day!
Kiks says
messy but a great experience for kids I reckon.
OneMommy says
It washes off fairly easily at least! 🙂
Rachel {@rachhabs} says
So nice to meet you! I am Rachel & I am in your SITS tribe. Looking forward to getting to know you better! 🙂
OneMommy says
Nice to meet you, too!
Ginny Marie says
I love this recipe for oobleck! It’s so easy to clean up compared to other slimes. 🙂 My daughters will love the glitter addition!
OneMommy says
Easy to clean up is a big factor in my book! I have thought of making the other slimes…but worry about it getting into the carpet (or on the dog fur…).
Allie says
One must need a lot of patience to do all these crafts! It makes my OCD want to scream! Looking forward to getting to know you through our SITS Tribe.
OneMommy says
LOL — I think I’ve gained some patience by doing them…but I sure could use a little more sometimes!
Thanks so much for stopping in! 🙂
Gina Jacobs Thomas (@totallyfullofit) says
We love Oobleck! Adding scents is a great idea. My daugther’s preschool class had a musician come in and rig up his speakers to the bowl of oobleck. So when the bass would thump, the oobleck would wobble. It was a huge hit! I’m stopping by from our SITS tribe. Nice to “meet” you!
OneMommy says
Oh my goodness! I love that! I would never have thought to try to make it move with sound!
Nice to meet you, too!
Julia says
This is such a great idea, especially since yesterday I discovered i have 2 open boxes of cornstarch in my cabinet. My 3 year old would love this.
I’m part of you SITS Tribe and look forward to getting to know you better this week.
OneMommy says
Put that cornstarch to some fun use this week! 🙂 If you like that one, you’ll have to stop in and read our Bubble Dough post — and use a little more of that cornstarch!
jeanae says
This looks such a fun, messy project, and it has my kid’s name written all over it! I will have to add this to our list of things to try next weekend.
Saying hello from your SITS tribe
OneMommy says
I hope they enjoy it as much as my daughter does! 🙂
Tiffany H. says
This activity is fun! We did it around Christmas time, using a Mint Chocolate Chip Frosting Creations packet! My daughter would love a pink batch too! 🙂
OneMommy says
Oh, how fun! I never thought to use one of the frosting creations packets to scent it! 🙂
The Dose of Reality says
That’s so awesome. My kids would LOVE to make this. And the peppermint addition? What a genius thing to do!! Love it!! –Lisa
OneMommy says
I think peppermint is one of my favorite scents… I loved our peppermint rice so much I had to try using it on something else we could play with! 🙂
Natalie F says
It’s amazing how a little bit of extra “trimmings” can make this play look so much more intriguing. Thanks for sharing with Afterschool!
Dr. G says
Love this. Pinned it. We could use more at home inside fun and I think I have all these things around the house. Thanks!
OneMommy says
Thanks so much for pinning it! 🙂
OneMommy says
LOL — Yes, I can understand that. I suggest using a larger bowl that the little one I started with, and putting a cookie sheet under it would really help. Other than that, it washes off easily with water.
Have fun!
OneMommy says
Having my youngest checked for sensory issues….one reason I started doing the sensory play. He has come a loooooong way. He used to hate touching shaving cream, and now he will at least touch it with his fingers. (Of course, he needs it wiped off every few minutes.)
OneMommy says
Perfect for those days you’re stuck inside!
Thanks for stopping in!
Coombemill says
Lovely gooey play
Jill says
This is a really cool idea. I agree obleck is the perfect way to spend a snowy day!
Thank you for stopping by the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop this week. We hope to see you drop by our neck of the woods next week!
Stephanie Kay says
Looks like fun! Thanks for sharing at Family Fun Friday.