I have a beautiful nativity set.
The manger actually belonged to my grandparents; I believe my uncle made it for them. When I got it, it was in a bit of distress, but a little hammering, plenty of polish, and a lot of love made it as beautiful as ever.
When I moved out of my parents’ house I started collecting figures for my nativity set. Over the years I’ve amassed quite a collection of figures to visit Baby Jesus and his family. Not only do I have the three Wisemen and a handful of shepherds, but my collection also includes a drummer boy, a grandmother, several children, baby angels playing instruments, and many, many more. I couldn’t even tell you how many figures I have.
I really can’t.
Not only because there are so many, but because I haven’t actually seen my nativity set for several years.
My daughter is a climber. And my son is really starting to live like a two year old. In order to preserve my nativity set, I have chosen to keep it in storage until the kids are a little older. I’m pretty sure if I had it displayed in the kitchen, where it used to go, I would come out of the shower one day and find Baby Jesus missing. I would probably find him laying next to one of the Fisher Price dollhouse babies. The camels would also probably be M.I.A., along with all the baby angels.
I miss my nativity set, but we do have an alternate one, and thanks to Fisher Price, it is definitely kid-friendly.

My son loves to ask me to “do the story” for him – I tell the story of Jesus’ birth, from Mary riding the donkey and having no room at the inn, to the Wisemen bringing gifts.

I guess my son figured he should give Baby Jesus a gift too, so he treated him to a ride on one of his trucks. Hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?
What about your house? Do you put up a nativity set each year?
Written in response to Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop prompt.
Angie says
We actually have three nativity sets – one that belonged to my in-laws and shows the wear-and-tear of four little boys; one I bought when we were newly married that has somehow remained whole for twenty-five years, and one I made several years ago out of polymer clay that has seen a LOT of damage from the kids and the dogs. One of our dogs actually ate an entire wise man *sigh*. I love that Baby Jesus gets to ride around in the Tonka truck – that’s such a “boy” thing!
admin says
Trucks and boys, yes, he is so different than his sister!
One of your Wisemen got eaten? Now that is definitely a DOG thing!
shari lynne @ Faith Filled Food For Moms and Grandmothers says
I love the Little People Nativity..I always let my kids play with the Nativity set..we’ve been through a few 🙂
admin says
This one is definitely more kid-friendly than my own. Pretty sure I will miss it when it’s gone.
Kristen says
I love how it looks like Joseph & Mary’s arms are outstretched actually asking, “Where is baby Jesus?”.
We had to go with a Nativity set from Playmobil for a while. Now my girls appreciate the hand carved wood one that was my grandmothers.
admin says
Yes, when I saw her there without Jesus, that’s what I thought she looked like she was asking! LOL.
A hand carved wood nativity set? Wow. Now THAT is special!
cathi says
We also have a nativity set that I haven’t seen in years. Since I have a daycare ful of mischevious little angels, I have invested in the Fisher Price nativity as well. It is a great little play set complete with music. I even have the drummer boy set which plays the little drummerboy song. The kids love to act out the story.I miss my real nativity set also, but all too soon it will replace this one and I have a feeling that I wiil miss the Fisher Price nativity and all that goes with it more.
admin says
I didn’t know they had a drummer boy! My kids would love that! At this point, I’m hoping I can put out my own set next year, but I might still need to look for that piece this year.
I agree, I will miss this little Fisher Price set when the time comes to pack it away forever. Those little fingers, those curious minds, those chubby cheeks holding the pieces close…. All too quickly they grow up!
Karen and Gerard says
Now there’s something I never saw before, Jesus riding on a truck!
Stopping by from Writer’s Workshop: http://zemeks.blogspot.com/2011/12/christmas-decorating-writers-workshop.html
admin says
Yes, when I saw him doing it, I had to get a picture. To my little one trucks are the best thing ever; I’d like to think he was giving Jesus the best gift he could – a ride on his truck.
admin says
Yes, trucks are very special to my little guy right now. So I’m sure he thought he was giving Jesus the best gift ever.
Janmary, N Ireland says
I have LOTS of nativity sets! Most are child friendly, and fairly indestructable.
Hope you find your missing nativity – it will probably turn up when the kids leave home!
Merry Christmas to you and yours from Ireland.
admin says
Child-friendly nativity sets are always nice to have.
Mine isn’t missing, just in storage until the kids are bigger…
Merry Christmas!
Amanda says
When I was younger and traveling the world, a wise friend told me not to buy junky suvineers, rather things that I could see myself treasuring for years. Although a teeneagers version of this differs than a 30 year olds, I tried my hardest. While in Cancun, my girlfriend and I went in search of nativity sets. I ended up with a hand painted purple one that is spunky and brings back great memories. It stayed in the closet for the year my youngest was toddling, but then I couldn’t resist having it put away. The childen are surprisingly very gently with it and after 4 seasons of daily play, it is holding up rather well.
admin says
What a wonderful treasure to remind you of your trip!