Woo-hoo! I’m going to a party! The Ultimate Blog Party, that is! If you can’t tell, I’m excited. After all, I haven’t been to a party in years (minus kid’s birthday parties), and I don’t even have to get a sitter!
If you are coming from the party, welcome to There’s Just One Mommy. I started this site at the beginning of the year, kind of like my New Year’s Resolution.
I never pictured myself as a SAHM, but I stepped away from my 11 years of teaching at the end of the school year when my daughter was born. It was just something I felt I needed to do. Every day with my two children brings laughter, tears, and lots of hugs; I wouldn’t change it for the world!
This blog has given me a way to connect with tons of great people (like you, dear reader); after all, even a SAHM needs to connect with adults sometimes. So sit back, read a few posts, and since it’s time for a party, have a drink ~
The Vaca Loca says
Hi! Just popping in from the UBP. I know what you mean… the decision to leave work to be a SAHM was so hard. I worked the first year after my baby was born, but now I’m sooooooooo much happier now that I’m a SAHM. Come on by and visit sometime! Party on!
JDaniel4's Mom says
Stopping from Mom Loop! I am partying this week too.
Shell says
I was a teacher until the day before my oldest was born- I never went back. Maybe someday….
Nice to meet you!
GiGi says
Thanks for your super sweet comment!!! This is my first UBP and im so excited about it!
PalouseMom says
Hi! Stopping by from the UBP! I became a SAHM when I had my first and have never looked back. I always saw myself becoming a teacher one day, so assume that I’ll either homeschool or go back to school to get my MIT to teach when my girls get old enough (currently they are 3 and 1.5). Looking forward to reading more of your blog!
Eos Mom says
Thanks for visiting me, we do have lots in common! I’m going to start with all your cleaning posts, that’s an area I’m constantly struggling with. (And I’m following you now.)
Tiffany says
I’m a part time SAHM, just last year. My kids are 7 and 3 and it wasn’t possible until just last year. Life changes when you make the choice to be home with your kids but it is all worth it.
Nice to meet you! Have fun partying!
Laura says
Thanks for stopping by my place — it’s great to meet you! I sure know what you mean about being outnumbered, and I taught before my kids, too. (Now I’m back at it again.)
Come back and see me sometime! Have fun with those little ones.
Darlena says
Here from UBP, and it’s nice to meet you! I never thought I would be a SAHM either, but here I am. And I can completely relate to “there’s only one mommy” because sometimes my twins run me ragged.
Following and hope to see you, too.
maren says
Stopping over from UBP! Excited to be a new follower. What grade did you teach? I admire anyone that can stick with teaching! My degree was education, but I’ve long ago veered paths. 🙂 Would love for you to stop over at my party! http://trinketsofthought.com/2011/04/01/life/ubp-2011-and-50-giveaway