Time for some vehicle fun! When you think of vehicles starting with the letter “S,” what pops into your mind?
For us, “S” is for Submarine! This week we did lots of letter “S” activities, all with a submarine theme!
After practicing writing the squiggly letter (It’s a pretty tricky letter!), the preschooler had fun hunting for capital and lower-case “S,” using a dot marker to mark each one on a quick worksheet I threw together the night before.
The preschooler loved this activity when we first did it with the letter “O”, and he specifically asked to do it for letter “S.”
If you don’t have one, I really recommend picking one up! You can find them at the dollar store; they are usually used as bingo markers.
For our next we stepped into our “submarine” for a letter hunt.
Before diving below the sea, I cut the inner circle out of a paper plate to make a “porthole.” The preschooler looked through his magic porthole to hunt for fish, all labeled with the letter “S.”
I had stuck a bunch of post-it notes up on the hallway wall, each with a picture of a fish and a letter or number on them.
I warned him to be careful and not get stuck in the seaweed and to just grab the fish with the letter “S.” Then off he went, hunting for his fish!
He found quite a few!
The preschooler LOVES it when his lunch matches that day’s letter activities…. So we had to have a submarine lunch!
And, of course, you can NOT do a day of submarines without some water play!
Our water activity needed a post all to itself. Be sure to stop back to read about our Sinking Submarine activity!
JDaniel4's Mom says
I just love your sub lunch!
OneMommy says
Thanks! Of course it had to swim in a sea of ketchup too!
Valerie says
That is just about the cutest fish I have ever seen!! 😀