Ever pretend to be someone you aren’t?
That’s one of the prompts from Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop this week,” Write about a time you pretended to be someone you aren’t.”
At first when I read through the prompts I thought about the times I’ve looked at caller-ID and seen it was a 1-800 number and answered with, “Joe’s Pizza, can I take your order?” (Hey, a SAHM has to get her kicks somehow!)
But when I crawled into bed last night, it hit me. I actually created a whole campaign once, based on a person who didn’t exist.
It was senior year in high school. After years of seeing the campaign posters up in hallways each year before student council elections, I was getting pretty tired of the whole thing. After all, it was always the most popular kids that seemed to get voted in, and always the same people running.
It started out as just a few simple “Vote for me!” signs I made while sitting in the back of math class (I don’t think I ever actually did MATH while in that class). I hung the signs in the bathroom stalls at lunch time, when no one was around. Well, my best friend was… (got to have an accomplice, right?)
By the end of the day there were signs in all the girl’s bathrooms, “Vote for Sherry!”
A day or so later I heard a couple of people wondering who this Sherry girl was. Stickers were made and passed out, again, in math class. It’s funny how people will wear a “Vote for So-N-So” sticker without even knowing who the person is…or asking.
More signs were made, this time taped up in the halls after school. The adrenaline pumping at the thought that a teacher might catch us and ask who this Sherry person was.
Of course, poor Sherry never stood a chance. She couldn’t even get on the ballot, since that required at least 25 signatures and a passing G.P.A. that would be checked at the office. Hard to have a G.P.A. when you don’t exist. But for a short moment in time, Sherry took the chance and ran for office, stirred up some talk, and was noticed. Something completely different for a girl who wouldn’t talk in class and tried to blend into the walls most of the time.
What about you? Ever pretend to be someone you aren’t?
@MryJhnsn from iNeedaPlaydate says
That is awesome! I wish I was that clever (or bold?) when I was in school. It would have made the time spent more interesting 🙂
admin says
I was always the quiet one in the back of the room; I’m not sure what brought on my little campaign… But it was fun!
@MryJhnsn from iNeedaPlaydate says
Following from Mama Kat 🙂
admin says
Thanks for the follow – heading your way now! 🙂
DM Donna says
How fun and funny! I love it. Really imaginative.
admin says
Thanks – something I won’t forget from high school!
Jamie says
What a great story. I ran for Student Council. Two of my friends did. They got on and I didn’t. Talk about a bummer. But I lived to tell the story.
admin says
That is hard in high school when friends make it into something and you don’t!
Jennifer says
That is awesome. I wish Sherry could have won.
admin says
Thanks – Sherry enjoyed her moment in the limelight for a while.
shari lynne @ Faith Filled Food For Moms and Grandmothers says
Oh OneMommy, I totally LOVE that story..especially the name LOL JK. What a totally creative thing to do. I can see one of my daughter’s doing this very thing. It really made me laugh…I’m sure there is some deep meaning behind this story..and I even think you could base a movie on the whole concept! Really!
admin says
Yeah, when I was typing I thought about you – different spelling, though. 🙂 Book idea…hmm…. But seeing as how I wouldn’t mind writing a book, maybe a YA novel… If it happens, I’ll give credit to you for the idea of doing it. 🙂
shari lynne @ Faith Filled Food For Moms and Grandmothers says
I think you should definately do it..so many different angles..kids would LOVE it! 🙂 Can’t wait..:)