Last week we had so much fun with our Pirate Day that I’ve decided to do a theme day each week this summer.
This week our theme day was based on sea animals and the following books:(Yes, that first book is a BIG book, divided up by habitats. We focussed on the animals that live in the ocean – some of which weren’t mentioned in our second book, like octopuses.)
We started our day by reading our books and reviewing the facts about our favorite sea animals.
I decided the pond would be a great place to start our day – after all, we could practice swimming like fish and even see a few real ones!
We practiced moving like sea animals as we walked to the pond.
First we started as a school of fish. We wiggled our hands together in front of us while making sure we all went the same speed and changed directions at the same time, just like a real school of fish. Then we were octopuses – turning backwards and blowing through a straw to push ourselves through the “water.”After that we were crabs, walking sideways and snapping our claws. Finally, we had to be sharks! Hands together and held up for dorsal fins.
We had a blast at the pond, and even caught sight of the elusive SW Ohio dog fish…
After fun at the pond we headed home for a tasty treat.
I tried using Jello molds for the first time, but they didn’t come out looking as nice as I’d hoped. Thankfully, the kids didn’t care and had fun fishing for gummy sharks in the Jello.
Once we were refreshed, it was time for a quick craft. I had a pack of sea animal sponges that I had found at Target. I pulled them out to try some sponge painting.
They had fun painting animals on their mini ocean scenes. (Looking for a more challenging craft having to do with sea animals? How about a toilet paper tube octopus?)
Afterwards they took the sponge animals to the tub to do a little more swimming and get cleaned up!
I think they are hoping for another great sea day soon because when we went to the library this week we came back with 3 more sea animal books… Or maybe my son just wants a shark day – that’s what all the new books are about.
What’s your child’s favorite sea animal?
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Deb says
Such fun, creative activities!!
We LOVE dolphins = )
OneMommy says
My daughter likes dolphins!
JDaniel4's Mom says
What a great way to use and reuse the sea animals. JDaniel loves sea horses.
OneMommy says
That was their idea – they were having so much fun with the foam animals they didn’t want to give them up.
Sea horses are some great creatures!
elsie says
Looks like another fun theme time. I think there must be a secret to jelly moulds I can’t get them to work either! We have a simialr dog fish around here 🙂
OneMommy says
Yes, there must be a secret out there somewhere on Jello moulds; I’ll let you know if I ever figure them out! 🙂
Can’t wait to read your post on pirate adventures in the bath!