The miracle of Easter can be difficult for young children to understand.
This children’s Lent activity helps kids visualize and better understand the events of Holy Week.
Creating a Resurrection Garden is a simple and powerful Easter activity they will remember all their lives.
Resurrection Garden Activity
Materials Needed:
- Small Plastic Container or Flower Pot
- Miniature Flower Pot
- Garden Soil
- Small Rock (large enough to cover the opening of the mini flower pot)
- Moss, Small Flowers, etc.
- Small Figurine
- Small Cross
Start by adding soil to your small plastic container.
We used an old, shallow Tupperware dish for our Lent garden. A flower pot would look cute as well.
Next, add a miniature flower pot to the container. This will serve as the tomb. If you don’t have a miniature flower pot, you could also use a small paper cup.
Allow your child to decorate the garden with moss, small plants, and decorative rocks. We searched our flower beds for these.
This will represent the garden that Jesus went to in order to pray before his death.
Good Friday Activity
On Good Friday add a small cross to your garden. If you don’t have one, you can make one by tying two small sticks together or using pieces of craftsticks.
Have your child place the small figurine in the “tomb,” and then place a rock in front of its opening.
This activity is the perfect opportunity to talk about why Jesus chose to die on the cross and what it means for us!
You may also want to try the rising water experiment to help explain how Jesus removes sin.
We like to cover the Good Friday garden with a small black cloth on Holy Saturday, much like they covered the parents’ painting in the Frozen movie after they died. It really helps kids understand the somber mood and reflect on what has happened.
On Easter Sunday, move the rock from the entrance of the tomb and remove the figure inside.
Then allow your child to see the garden.
You may even want to decorate the Easter garden with colorful flowers, either real or artificial, to reflect the joy of the day and to show new life.
If you are looking for a way to make the events leading up to Easter more tangible for your children, create your very own Resurrection Garden together this year.
More Easter crafts and activities:
Ginny Marie says
I wanted to make a Resurrection garden this year, but I’m running out of time! I’ll have to see what I can do. Happy Easter!
The Dose of Reality says
Oh, what a beautiful thing to do! It’s so meaningful and fun at the same time! I can only imagine how excited they will be to see the flowers there on Sunday! Awesome!! –Lisa
OneMommy says
They have been excited to see it each day and add to it.
Carrie @ Crafty Moms Share says
What a great resurrection garden!! I love how it came out. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
OneMommy says
Thank you. They really liked doing it this year.
Jill says
This is a lovely idea. It would help give meaning to Easter for the kids and it looks like it was fun to make too.
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