Brightly colored Lego bricks cover the living room floor. The half-completed masterpieces have been left behind as the kids start playing with another toy. Sound familiar? It seems that with all the toy storage ideas you will find, parents are always looking for the best way to store those Lego blocks. (This is a […]
Simple Toy Storage Solutions
The holidays are over, and the living room floor is littered with new toys, all needing a home. Just how do you organize toys? Today I’m going to share with you some of our very simple toy storage solutions! Organizing Stuffed Animals: Stuffed animals — they are everywhere! And, when it comes […]
How to Organize Children’s Books
I’ve got so many posts I’ve been wanting to write, but something about the start of a new year and organizing… I’ve learned when the motivation to get organizing hits, you just better go with it! One of my latest spots that needed organizing was our book center. The sling back bookcase was great […]
Getting Organized for School Mornings
In a few days my daughter starts kindergarten. No longer will we roll out of bed, play a bit, and then eventually meander to the breakfast table. Our mornings will be all about waking up on time, getting dressed, and out the door in time to get to school. This past week I’ve been […]
Cleaning out the Closet — What Got Donated?
First, I want to thank each and every one of you who helped me start off my spring cleaning by giving me that push to get rid of some items that have been lurking in my closet for way too long. (Things from high school, over 20 years ago…Wow!) (Thanks especially to The […]