There it was in my Facebook feed, a picture of my 7 year-old nephew holding up a $60 box of Star Wars Legos he wants for Christmas with a remark from his father saying he was thinking of starting a GoFundMe account for Christmas. Yes, his dad was joking. But the price of those […]
Taking Stock of What I Value Most
“Oh, you’re a stay at home mom? Boy, that must be nice. I’d love to be able to stay home with my kids…” I’ve heard that one a few times. And I’ve bit my tongue when the person speaking then pulls their brand-new Smart phone out of their designer handbag or helps slip brand new […]
Thankful for Honest People
Honesty. Hard to come by sometimes. But I am thankful today to be able to report that there are still good, honest people in the world. Last Saturday I took a load of no longer played with toys and outgrown clothes to Once Upon a Child. (I’ve already mentioned how thankful I am for that […]
Felt Pizzas
So a couple weeks ago we went to the children’s museum. The kids had a blast splashing in the water table, pretending to be vets at the stuffed animal hospital, and watching the prairie dogs playing. They also really enjoyed the new Cassano’s pizza parlor area…where they got to make and serve pizzas.Okay, so we […]
Fall Cleaning
Lots of people do spring cleaning. I kind of stumbled into my spring cleaning this year, and it took a little longer to finish everything on my list than I thought it would… But that’s life with little ones, and they’re a lot more fun than cleaning any day! But do you do fall cleaning? […]