Happy Thankful Thursday and Valentine’s Day…
It sounds like the perfect time for a letter to my husband. (Mama Kat thought so, too. It’s one of this week’s prompts!)
Dear Valentine,
There are people all over celebrating their love for one another today. But I find myself wondering what happens those other 364 days of the year? Why is it more important to show your love for someone on the 14th of February than it is, say, on the 12th of April?
Today I want to thank you, not for showing me how much you love me by buying me a card or giving me a box of chocolates on some special day, but for how you show me all those other days of the year.
Thank you for asking if you can bring home dinner on those days where you can tell I’m frazzled when you talk to me on the phone.
Thank you for watching the kids each Tuesday night so I can go to yoga at the library.
Thank you for running into the grocery store after work to pick up bread, or milk, or whatever other items we may need.
Thank you for taking care of the “presents” the cat brings us.
Thank you for rubbing my shoulders, without my even asking, when I mention how sore they are.
Thank you for noticing when I actually bother to put on lipstick.
Thank you for sitting down and helping me fold laundry when I have 3 baskets over-flowing and you see me starting to fold it.
Thank you for always knowing when my favorite author has a new book coming out, and then for getting it for me right away — usually before I even know it’s out.
Thank you for holding my hand and praying with me in those hard times.
Thank you for feeding the dog and the cat each morning before you leave for work so they don’t drive me crazy when I get up.
Thank you for washing my car whenever you wash your truck.
Thank you for making extra shelves for the pantry the same day I mentioned I’d like some.
Thank you for washing the dog in the basement on those days where it’s too cold to wash her outside and she really needs a bath.
Thank you for helping to clean the carpet for all the variety of reasons the carpet may need cleaned when you have 2 small kids and a dog living with you.
Thank you for making chocolate chip pancakes on the weekends while you let me stay in bed just a little longer.
Thank you for bringing wood up from the barn for the fireplace so I wouldn’t have to hike out there when it was cold.
Thank you for understanding when I cried because our youngest didn’t want rocked to sleep anymore.

Sweetheart, every day you do things that let me know you love me; I could keep listing all those ways, but my lst would have to be endless.
I want you to know that those daily actions mean more to me than the flowers and chocolates that so many women will be receiving today.
I am forever grateful for the day we met and the time we have had together. I hope we have many, many more years to show each other our love.
Okay, so now it’s your turn!
Leave a comment telling me what you are thankful for this week.
Have your own Thankful Thursday post this week? Link it up with us! As a Valentine’s gift to my readers this week, I’m sharing all the Thankful posts that link up with a link back to There’s Just One Mommy on my Facebook page!
Also linked up with: Black Tag Diaries, The Fontenot Four
Chris Carter says
What a BEAUTIFUL letter!!!! You are so blessed to have a husband that loves you truly and shows it every day. I hear ya- I got one like that too!!! 🙂
OneMommy says
Sounds like we both have some wonderful guys in our lives! Definitely a blessing!
Jamie says
Wow, sounds like an amazing guy! Crafty, too. The extra-shelves thing was awesome. Visiting from Mama Kat’s 🙂
OneMommy says
I really should give him credit more often. 🙂
OneMommy says
I love reading “how we met stories!” Thanks so much for linking up again this week!