It’s Friday; are you wearing red?
My kids love to read. As a former language arts teacher and lover of books myself, I can’t help smiling every time my son or daughter brings me a book and climbs into my lap. When we go to story time at the library, they load their backpacks with the books we are returning and come home with them stuffed with new great reads for the week.
My son, not even two yet, even has a favorite author. Seriously. He LOVES Sandra Boynton. Almost every book he picks at the library is one of her board books, or a car book (he has a car obsession currently). We started our home collection of Sandra Boynton books with Snuggle Puppy
. My best friend told me about it; her husband reads it to their boys each night, and before he was deployed overseas a couple years ago he made a video of himself reading it so the boys wouldn’t miss out on this nightly ritual. If you haven’t read it yourself, and you have toddlers/preschoolers, I really recommend it. It’s adorable.
At Christmastime my son got his own copy of Your Personal Penguin . He had checked it out of the library so many times I’m sure he thought we owned it already… For an added bit of fun there is a website printed in the book where you can go and actually hear Davy Jones of the Monkies (remember them?) sing it. We have five or six of her delightful books in our collection now. They are some of our most read books.
My daughter has some other favorites. Every night for almost a year we read Goodnight Moon
by Margaret Wise Brown to her at bedtime. (Yes, I had it memorized by then and didn’t need to actually read the pages…) It is still one of her favorites, but now we get to read other great books as well. A few other favorites are A Tale of Tails
; Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?
; and How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?.
There’s actually a video that goes to the last one, and we’ve been lucky enough to check it out of the library a number of times now.
Do your kids have some favorite books? We’re always looking for some new reading material! (Although, we all love our favorites… That’s why they’re this week’s Favorites Friday picks.)
Rachel says
My daughter loves her bob books, and I love that she can read. The eyewitness series are some of my son’s favorites and my youngest preschooler likes anything that she can turn the pages of 🙂 Cheers, from MomLoop
ThaiHoa says
My baby is only 14 months but she loves to read. I have been reading to her since she was born. Now she brings me her favorite books and we read them over and over and I have them all memorized. Her favorits are The Rainbow Fish, Lullaby and Goodnight, and My First Mother Goose. I love that same moment with her sitting on my lap or snuggling in the bed reading.
admin says
I don’t think we’ve read any of those… I’m going to have to look for them at the library and check them out! Enjoy snuggling and reading with your little girl.
Kristy says
Oh goodness, I love children’s stories. I work at a school and have a son. Boy, the money I spend! Thanks for visiting on my SITS day!!!!
Letters From Home says
My son loved all those Dinosaur books when he was smaller. We had them all. Also, Dr. Seuss and Curious George. Now that he is older I miss those days of when he would curl up in my lap and reading to him. Now, he is into the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.
The Diaper Diaries says
I like those dinosaur books. I need to get some of those for the little man!